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Odd Birds

Odd Birds

‘The ABC of Fabulous Princesses’ and ‘Aviary Wonders Inc.’

Credit From "The ABC of Fabulous Princesses"

What could be more retrograde than a story about a prince choosing his bride among a batch of eager princesses? In “The ABC of Fabulous Princesses” the Austrian artist Willy Puchner upends expectations in a surprising and delightful way. Even the appearance of the princesses — there are 26 — is probably not what readers will anticipate, for each is an exotic bird, painted by Puchner as a full-page, full-length portrait and wearing a regal gown. And — feminists rejoice! — there are no Disneyish wasp-waists here; these dresses are almost dumpily triangular, to accommodate the bird-shaped bodies. In the tradition of royal portraiture, Puchner paints the princesses accompanied by objects and animals that illustrate their attributes: a peculiar array of walking sticks, Venetian masks, snowy owls and casserole dishes.
From A (Anna from Amsterdam) to Z (Zenobia from Zurich), Puchner uses the corresponding letter of the alphabet to describe each princess in an alliterative paragraph. Princess Elmira from Ethiopia is “extravagant, empathetic and enormously emancipated. She enjoys eating eel with eggplant and endive. She plays the English horn and engages in exciting expeditions.” Not all the princesses are such earnest paragons: Princess Florentine from Finland, for instance, is “foolish, funny and forgetful. She eats fish fillets with fennel, French fries and fruit. She plays the fipple flute on Fridays (when she doesn’t forget) and frolics with flickering fireflies.” Such verbal jesting is infectious; children who enjoy “The ABC of Fabulous Princesses” may find themselves improvising prose poems at the bus stop or the dinner table; it’s like a game of I Packed My Grandmother’s Trunk — but with more scope for whimsy and invention. This is not so much a book for lovers of birds, but for lovers of words.
Credit From "Aviary Wonders Inc."
Kate Samworth’s “Aviary Wonders Inc.,” ostensibly a “spring catalog and instruction manual” for build-it-yourself bird parts, is perfect for older children with an appreciation for irony. An understanding of the environmental threats to species diversity would help, too, for there’s pathos to Samworth’s premise, thankfully offset by her brilliantly detailed and arresting illustrations.
The catalog conceit begins on the copyright page with a letter from one Alfred Wallis, who (in a style reminiscent of the J. Peterman catalog) introduces himself as the founder of Aviary Wonders Inc. “I …discovered a passion for bird watching while working for my family’s logging company, first in the Northeast and then in Brazil. I noticed that as the birds’ habitat disappeared, their numbers and species declined. As soon as I inherited the company, I shut down operations and devoted myself full time to building birds.” With evident regret, he concludes: “I know we can’t replace the birds that have been lost. But we can provide you with the opportunity to create an exquisite alternative: your very own bird, a work of art you’ll treasure for a lifetime.”

The catalog’s fictional inventory of feathers, wings, legs, bodies and bills available for readers to purchase combines actual bird facts (the laughing owl became extinct “around 1914, a few decades after settlers arrived in New Zealand with their cats”) with fantastical designs for anatomical parts. Shoppers can chose from a variety of beaks, shown carved and painted with patterns based on “ancient mosaics, illuminated manuscripts, art deco, abstract expressionism.” Extravagant embellishments include “display tails” called Geisha and Lyrebird, which, though beautiful, are “not recommended for flight.”
Flight is more of a problem for these man-made birds than it is for the real ones they replace. Once buyers attach the parts they’ve purchased to the basic (quite sad-looking) bird body, they must teach their birds to land and fly. Samworth warns: “The first several flights may be short and clumsy. Do not be critical!” And then there’s singing, which must also be taught with a degree of foresight: Birds that learn to sing “Old MacDonald” may prove very boring companions.
Not very subtly concealed beneath this extended flight of fancy is Samworth’s thesis: Humans who love birds would be better off protecting them now rather than trying to recreate them once they’re gone. Some children may love the pictures and relish the silliness of the project without feeling the pangs of anticipatory nostalgia too deeply; others may find “Aviary Wonders Inc.” an uncomfortably guilty pleasure.


Written and illustrated by Willy Puchner
58 pp. NorthSouth. $19.95. (Picture book; ages 5 to 12)


Spring Catalog and Instruction Manual: Renewing the World’s Bird Supply Since 2031
Written and illustrated by Kate Samworth
32 pp. Clarion Books/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. $17.99. (Picture book; ages 9 to 12)