We are delighted to share a Lower School Blog, intended to be a resource for parents, faculty, and staff -- including a variety of educational and parenting articles, book reviews and research, as well as some links to school-related and Lower School activities. We hope you’ll enjoy it.

"Managing a Child's Allowance, the Online Version" by Ron Lieber

Managing a Child’s Allowance, the Online Version 
Giving children an allowance always seems like a good idea at first. But just try following through in practice.
Robert Neubecker
You need to remember to get exact change each week, which may not be easy if you bank online and need a pile of singles. You have to remember to hand over the money to the child on the designated day. You need someplace to put the money — but alas, most piggy banks are terrible, with tiny compartments you can’t see into to get any sense of how the money is piling up.

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