We are delighted to share a Lower School Blog, intended to be a resource for parents, faculty, and staff -- including a variety of educational and parenting articles, book reviews and research, as well as some links to school-related and Lower School activities. We hope you’ll enjoy it.

"Do You Let Your Kids Watch TV Before School?" by Sierra Filucci

Do You Let Your Kids Watch TV Before School?
9 ways to get your kids out of the house faster.
Getting kids dressed, fed, and ready for school might sound easy, but we all know the reality isn't so simple. A missing shoe or a sock that doesn't "feel right" can turn an entire morning routine on its ear. Add in TV shows, video games, and iPad tug-of-wars, and a peaceful start to your family's day is down the tube.

In my house, we've experimented with every possible morning media rule. But when my kids' teachers requested that parents keep the TV off before school, our rules got much simpler: No electronics at all in the morning. The trickiest part of that equation for us is managing to get two adults ready without the easy distraction of TV to keep the kids out of our hair.

Read more ... http://www.commonsensemedia.org/new/do-you-let-your-kids-watch-tv-before-school