We are delighted to share a Lower School Blog, intended to be a resource for parents, faculty, and staff -- including a variety of educational and parenting articles, book reviews and research, as well as some links to school-related and Lower School activities. We hope you’ll enjoy it.

"Sally Ride's Legacy to Teachers"

Sally Ride's Legacy to Teachers

"I had a teacher who encouraged my interest in science. She challenged me to be curious, to ask questions, and to think about things for myself. She helped build my self-confidence. All of these things helped me to become a scientist and an astronaut." - Sally Ride

Last month, along with four colleagues, I went to San Diego by invitation to represent my district at the Sally Ride Science Academy , a train-the-trainer program intended to give teachers the tools to boost students’ interest in science, technology, engineering, and math careers. Unaware that these were Sally Ride’s final days before losing her life to pancreatic cancer, we joined educators from 16 school districts across the country at a scenic lodge overlooking the Pacific Ocean to take part in the training that Ride herself had helped create just three years ago.

Read more ... http://www.edweek.org/tm/articles/2012/07/31/fp_sheaffer_ride.html