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"Should Your Child Be Using an E-reader?"

Should Your Child Be Using an E-reader?

Should Your Child Be Using an E-reader? -- Mom's Homeroom -- © OJO Images/Justin Pumfrey/Workbook Stock/Getty Images RELATED ACTIVITY:
Activity: Create an E-Book Together
In no time at all, your child can be the big-time author of the family. Read More
By Linda Johns

Last month I asked a book group of 7- and 8-year-old girls if they would help add titles to my "must read" list. Their enthusiastic recommendations came quickly and I hastily jotted down titles, not wanting to miss a single one. Somewhere between Goddess Girls and Cinderella Smith I heard something I hadn't expected: One girl mentioned a digital reader.

"I read that one on my e-reader," she said. Another girl chimed in with a book she'd read on her mom's tablet when they were on vacation, which reminded her of another book she didn't want me to miss, which reminded another girl of yet another book. The conversation continued, with young readers talking about books without getting hung up on the format of the book.

This group of girls gave me a valuable look at how our children view reading: They care more about the story and the experience than the format. Each of these girls had been to a public library in the past week and they were all regular customers at the independent bookstore where they meet each month. Books bought from bookstores, books checked out of the library and books downloaded to a device are all a part of their regular mix. If this is the future of reading, I'll take it.

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