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Bringing Up an E-Reader

Bringing Up an E-Reader
David Maxwell for The New York Times
Xander Peeples, left, and Matthew Stokedale using iPads in their second-grade class.
Julianna Huth, a second grader at Green Primary School, in Green, Ohio, is a convert to the digital word.
Julianna Huth working with both an iPad and a wireless keyboard.

The 8-year-old uses both an iPad and a Nook, and she enjoys e-books at home and at school.
“It’s just cool that you can read on your iPad,” said Julianna, who started using e-books when she was 6. “It’s more fun and you learn more from it.”
Children would say that. Books on iPads and some e-readers like the Nook Color or the Kindle Fire are fun. They include music, animation and other interactive elements that make reading a book feel like playing a video game.

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