My 3-year old daughter knows nothing of snow. She’d only just turned 2 when we moved to Rome — a spellbinding city in many ways but one where snow rarely falls. (In 2012, a blizzard ground the city to a halt, and Romans are still talking about it with wide-eyed amazement.) My daughter can’t possibly remember the winters of her New York babyhood, but suddenly, about six months ago, she began to ask me when the snow would come. When would we play in the snow? Where was the snow hiding? I could only guess she was exhibiting a child’s sixth sense for wonder: Snow is a portal out of the ordinary churn of life, forcing even grown-ups to go out and play. Coincidentally, and luckily for my daughter, three new picture books herald the majesty of snow, bringing its almost magically transformative power to any child who yearns for it.