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"Are We Creating Innovators?"

Parents & Schools : Are we creating innovators? 22 Insights

CJ Westerberg, April 4, 2012 9:32 PM
"When asked about the role of failure in his learning,
one Olin College engineering student said,
'I don't think about failure - I think about iterating."

 PLUS Video Below

Educator and author, Tony Wagner, and I sat down for lunch recently to talk about his new book, Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World. 

This is most definitely not --- oh-another-book-on-why-we-need-to-be innovative. 

Sure, Wagner gives us a terrific primer as to why innovation is absolutely critical for our future growth and success.  But what is most compelling is his meticulous dissection of how innovators are raised, challenged, supported, and developed, after an extensive process of identifying and conducting over 150 interviews.