We are delighted to share a Lower School Blog, intended to be a resource for parents, faculty, and staff -- including a variety of educational and parenting articles, book reviews and research, as well as some links to school-related and Lower School activities. We hope you’ll enjoy it.

Helping One, Helping All

by Caltha Crowe
Responsive Classroom Newsletter: 

students working together
Every year we teachers have some students who present challenges to themselves, to their classmates, and to us. In Sammy and His Behavior Problems, I wrote about one such student, Sammy, a third grader who struggled with impulsiveness, paying attention, completing schoolwork, and learning to be a friend. It's the story of how Sammy and I worked together to help him get better at managing his behavior and become a more effective student. It's also about how I balanced Sammy's needs with his classmates' needs and my goals for our classroom community. This excerpt, from Chapter 8, shows that balancing act in action at mid-year: